Crea­te Your Own Pri­va­te Foun­da­ti­on

About us

QUANTUM Fami­ly — Office

In addi­ti­on to set­ting up and imple­men­ting cor­po­ra­te struc­tures, foun­da­ti­ons or enti­re hol­ding struc­tures, QUANTUM Fami­ly-Office offers its sel­ec­ted cli­ents the pos­si­bi­li­ty of sto­ring cli­ent assets of any kind, inclu­ding the opti­on for cli­ents to mana­ge the assets them­sel­ves, or having them mana­ged and held in safe cus­t­ody, world­wi­de.

All in accordance with their cor­po­ra­te pur­po­se and regu­la­ti­on, the pos­si­bi­li­ty to store and mana­ge or have mana­ged* and held in cus­t­ody cli­ent assets of any type.With the aim of not only offe­ring elec­tro­nic accounts for the sto­rage of any type of cur­ren­cy, but also to store the purcha­se and exch­an­ge of FlAT funds into other assets. Addi­tio­nal­ly, to ensu­re the hol­ding and cus­t­ody of real assets, such as real estate, tax liens, phy­si­cal metals of any kind as well as crowd­fun­ding* and other refi­nan­cing* models out­side the ban­king sys­tem. (*)The­se ser­vices are not per­for­med or pro­vi­ded by us, but by third par­ties

Our slo­gan: “High Impact Safe-lnves­t­ing” — for our cli­ents!

We Have A Respon­si­bi­li­ty To Be The Best In Our Field By Far!

EU-regu­la­ted cryp­to trust com­pa­ny
accre­di­ta­ti­on num­ber BB163/26.04.2023/29.04.2024

QUANTUM Fami­ly-office is an inter­na­tio­nal­ly ori­en­ted, sta­te-appro­ved trust com­pa­ny, which is offi­ci­al­ly regis­tered under the regis­tra­ti­on num­ber 207337851.

Pro­fes­sio­nal trus­tee

Quan­tum Fami­ly-Office LLC 207337851 is regis­tered as a pro­fes­sio­nal cryp­to trus­tee REGISTERED ON THE BASIS OF ART. 9A, PARA. 1 OF THE LAW ON MEASURES AGAINST MONEY LAUNDERING IN THE PUBLIC REGISTER OF PERSONS WHO PROFESSIONALLY PROVIDE SERVICES FOR THE EXCHANGE BETWEEN VIRTUAL CURRENCIES AND RECOGNIZED CURRENCIES WITHOUT GOLD BACKING, AND OF WALLET PROVIDERS OFFERING CUSTODIAL SERVICE under the super­vi­si­on of the Bul­ga­ri­an Natio­nal Reve­nue Agen­cy Cen­tral Admi­nis­tra­ti­on as a super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty for AML/CFT pur­po­ses.

Trust struc­tu­re under dif­fe­rent juris­dic­tions

Quan­tum Ban­corp LTD licen­se 140, reg. num­ber  412779177 The com­pa­ny bene­fits from the exper­ti­se of lea­ding board mem­bers with deca­des of expe­ri­ence in various indus­tries. The Com­pa­ny as per its licen­se from Geor­gia Free Indus­tri­al Zone con­ducts acti­vi­ties in the field of finan­cial ser­vices and con­sul­tancy inclu­ding Meta­ra­ver­se acti­vi­ty, Digi­tal cur­ren­cy exch­an­ge, NFT/token issu­an­ce and dis­tri­bu­ti­on, Trust ser­vices, Cus­to­di­an ser­vicess, Asset manage­ment & Fund Manage­ment, Pri­va­te Equi­ty, Off­shore CFD/FX/Future Dealings&Trading ser­vices.


Based on the his­to­ri­cal “3‑spoke rule”, QUANTUM Fami­ly-Office has expan­ded its ran­ge of ser­vices to the “4‑spoke rule”:

  1. Real estate (also tax liens, land, etc.)
  2. Phy­si­cal pre­cious metals in high-secu­ri­ty duty-free warehou­ses in Switz­er­land, Liech­ten­stein, USA and Sin­ga­po­re
  3. Invest­ments (spe­cial invest­ments: rene­wa­ble ener­gy health, etc.)
  4. digi­tal assets, such as cryp­to­cur­ren­ci­es & exch­an­ges, ICOs/STOs, hos­ting plat­forms, issuing tokens, funds, etc.).

QUANTUM — EBANQ — Ser­vices

Regard­less of whe­ther you are an indi­vi­du­al or cor­po­ra­te cli­ent: in addi­ti­on to e‑banking access to your cryp­to and depo­sit port­fo­lio (app-based), our cli­ents recei­ve access to our inter­nal fin­tech-based busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties through to num­e­rous trai­ning and per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties.

Some ser­vices are offe­red through regis­tered part­ners who ope­ra­te in accordance with the appli­ca­ble legal frame­work.


If we ask 100 inves­tors what they under­stand by “risk”, we will get at least 100 dif­fe­rent ans­wers. Often even more. But if we want to divi­de the defi­ni­ti­on of “RISK’ into a deno­mi­na­tor, we have a very simp­le and straight­for­ward ans­wer:

LITTLE (or no) KNOWLEDGE and LITTLE (or no) EXPERIENCE!” We pro­vi­de our know-how, but the cli­ents give us the orders on how to invest.


Per­so­nal respon­si­bi­li­ty — the key to finan­cial pro­spe­ri­ty.

The focus of our actions is cross-gene­ra­tio­nal wealth and suc­ces­si­on plan­ning.

Your advan­ta­ges:

  • Bet­ter con­trol over your assets
  • High trans­pa­ren­cy
  • No com­pe­ting inte­rests bet­ween the bank and fami­ly when inves­t­ing
  • Pro­mo­ti­on of fami­ly cohe­si­on and long-term con­cen­tra­ti­on of capi­tal
  • More effi­ci­ent and indi­vi­du­al con­trol of assets
  • Per­so­na­li­zed asset stra­te­gies

In addi­ti­on, cli­ents recei­ve access to an inter­na­tio­nal­ly accre­di­ted aca­de­my for Finan­ce & Busi­ness*, to recei­ve pro­fes­sio­nal trai­ning and fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on.

Your invest­ment suc­cess depends 98.4% on your stra­tegy. We help you deve­lop your per­so­na­li­zed long-term stra­tegy in a mar­ket-neu­tral way, so even in the event of a future mar­ket turm­oil, you can sleep well at night. With the help of our 4‑spoke for­mu­la, we sup­port you in choo­sing your per­so­nal pre­fe­ren­ces. (*)The­se ser­vices are not per­for­med or pro­vi­ded by us, but by third par­ties

