Dis­clai­mer Quan­tum Fami­ly-Office

The infor­ma­ti­on con­tai­ned in this web­site is for gene­ral infor­ma­ti­on pur­po­ses only. The infor­ma­ti­on is pro­vi­ded by Quan­tum Fami­ly-Office and while we endea­vor to keep the infor­ma­ti­on up to date and cor­rect, we make no repre­sen­ta­ti­ons or war­ran­ties of any kind, express or impli­ed, about the com­ple­ten­ess, accu­ra­cy, relia­bi­li­ty, sui­ta­bi­li­ty or avai­la­bi­li­ty with respect to the web­site or the infor­ma­ti­on, pro­ducts, ser­vices, or rela­ted gra­phics con­tai­ned on the web­site for any pur­po­se.

Quan­tum Fami­ly-Office reser­ves the right to inter­pret any and all infor­ma­ti­on on the web­site. Any reli­ance you place on such infor­ma­ti­on is the­r­e­fo­re strict­ly at your own risk.
In no event will we be lia­ble for any loss or dama­ge inclu­ding wit­hout limi­ta­ti­on, indi­rect or con­se­quen­ti­al loss or dama­ge, or any loss or dama­ge whatsoe­ver ari­sing from loss of data or pro­fits ari­sing out of, or in con­nec­tion with, the use of this web­site.

Through this web­site, you can link to other web­sites which are not under the con­trol of Quan­tum Fami­ly-Office. We have no con­trol over the natu­re, con­tent, and avai­la­bi­li­ty of tho­se sites. The inclu­si­on of any links does not neces­s­a­ri­ly imply a recom­men­da­ti­on or endor­se the views expres­sed within them.

Every effort is made to keep the web­site up and run­ning smooth­ly. Howe­ver, Quan­tum Fami­ly-Office takes no respon­si­bi­li­ty for, and will not be lia­ble for, the web­site being tem­po­r­a­ri­ly unavailable due to tech­ni­cal issues bey­ond our con­trol.

This web­site and its con­tents do not con­sti­tu­te an offer. In par­ti­cu­lar, this web­site does not replace tax or invest­ment advice. Each inves­tor is sole­ly respon­si­ble for deter­mi­ning whe­ther the ser­vices offe­red here are sui­ta­ble for him or her.

Basic infor­ma­ti­on

Each inves­tor must also con­sult his/her own tax and invest­ment advi­sor.
Quan­tum Fami­ly-Office, nor its repre­sen­ta­ti­ves or affi­lia­tes assu­me any lia­bi­li­ty for the invest­ments made. The investor/investor must be awa­re that values of invest­ments can fluc­tua­te, that they are sub­ject to cer­tain risks and that the­se can lead to a reduc­tion in value or even a total loss in the short‑, medium‑, and long-term. The­r­e­fo­re, befo­re inves­t­ing, each inves­tor must be clear about the fol­lo­wing ques­ti­ons:
Could I finan­ci­al­ly afford a par­ti­al or total loss?
Could I afford a par­ti­al or total loss emo­tio­nal­ly?
Only tho­se who can ans­wer the­se ques­ti­ons with a clear “YES” should deal with the topic of “finan­ce” and espe­ci­al­ly with the topic of “finan­cial edu­ca­ti­on”.
