Sofia, S.C. 1799; Mladost‑2, Bl. 257B, Bulgaria/EU
Pho­ne: +41 22 575 45 58
E‑Mail: info@quantum-familyoffice.com

Inter­na – only for cli­ents:

Ser­vice-Tele­pho­ne-nb. +41 22 575 45 58
Cli­ent-Email: strategic-talk@quantum-familyoffice.com
IT- & Mar­ke­ting-Ser­vices: services@quantum-familyoffice.com


L.E.I. Num­ber

Quan­tum Fami­ly-Office LLC
Regis­tra­ti­on-Nb.: 207337851
The LEI trans­pa­ren­cy num­ber ISO 17442 stan­dard is for the finan­cial ser­vices indus­try
LEI-Regis­ter/­Ve­ri­fi­zie­rungs­num­mer: 894500QH35F1NVHN6424



Super­vi­so­ry Aut­ho­ri­ty

EPZEU (registryagency.bg)
Up-to-date infor­ma­ti­on about aut­ho­ri­zed com­pa­nies around the clock. You regis­ter as a cus­to­mer to get access to the Busi­ness Regis­ter. As a cus­to­mer of the Busi­ness Regis­ter, you can, among other things
check the board of a com­pa­ny
see which cases a com­pa­ny has sub­mit­ted
down­load, for exam­p­le, annu­al reports and regis­tra­ti­on cer­ti­fi­ca­tes.

AML-Licence “Anti-Money-Laun­de­ring”

Quan­tum Fami­ly-Office: Licen­se-Nb. BB-163 of 26.04.2023

Quan­tum Fami­ly Office LLC is regis­tered on the basis of art. 9A. para. 1 Of the Law of Mea­su­res against Money Laun­de­ring and the public regis­ter of Per­sons who by occu­pa­ti­on are enga­ged in exch­an­ge Ser­vices bet­ween vir­tu­al cur­ren­ci­es and fiat cur­ren­ci­es as well as cus­to­di­an wal­let-pro­vi­ders.

Quan­tum Ban­corp LTD licen­se 140, reg. num­ber  412779177 Geor­gia Free Indus­tri­al Zone–  finan­cial ser­vices and con­sul­tancy inclu­ding Meta­ra­ver­se acti­vi­ty, Digi­tal cur­ren­cy exch­an­ge, NFT/token issu­an­ce and dis­tri­bu­ti­on, Trust ser­vices, Cus­to­di­an ser­vicess, Asset manage­ment & Fund Manage­ment, Pri­va­te Equi­ty, Off­shore CFD/FX/Future Dealings&Trading ser­vices to non- Geor­ge­on citi­zens and/ or resi­dents.

Pho­ne +41 22 575 45 58
E‑mail: info@quantum-familyoffice.com

AML-CTF-Com­pli­ance Sum­ma­ry
Cus­t­ody Poli­cy Quan­tum Fami­ly-Office LLC
