Your Q‑BANQ APP For Acces­sing Your Own cus­t­ody account and on the best cryp­to assets in the world.

With the Q‑BANQ App, Q‑BANQ helps you mana­ge your assets whe­ther your real estate, fix ‘n flip pro­jects, tax liens, phy­si­cal gold, osmi­um, solar power invest­ments, medi­cal hemp invest­ments, licen­ses, Bit­co­ins, or your secu­ri­ty tokens.

(*) This ser­vice are not pro­vi­ded by us, but by third par­ties

Your indi­vi­du­al 4‑spoke rule
Mana­ge your invest­ments on the go. You have an over­view of your assets and access to inter­na­tio­nal IBANs, as well as glo­bal opti­ons acces­si­ble at the tap of a fin­ger.

Our Cli­ents

The big­gest advan­ta­ge of a fami­ly office is that it is about get­ting the maxi­mum bene­fit for cli­ents. Quan­tum Fami­ly Office has unders­tood how to inte­gra­te high impact invest­ments into taxa­ble attrac­ti­ve solu­ti­ons. Thank you very much!

Tho­mas P.

In uncer­tain times, which we are curr­ent­ly living through, I think it is cru­cial to deal with the issue of asset pro­tec­tion. With my own endow­ment fund, I can now play my own part in making my finan­cial future more secu­re. Thank you for your sup­port!
Ingrid B.

With Quantum’s len­ding pro­gram, I was able to inte­gra­te asym­me­tric invest­ments into my port­fo­lio, mini­mi­zing risk and opti­miza­ti­on returns tax free.
Gre­at job!
Mar­kus M.
